Sunday, 28 November 2010

Soul Music Saved My Life....literally

Morning all ,and what a beautiful one it is too ......deep and crisp and even !
 I started to write this blog because I am passionate about Music ,believe it is special ,has worth and gives meaning to our lives , and supports us especially when times are hard emotionally.
 Both my parents died in the past 4 years leaving me feeling bereft and completely numb . I went in to deep shock after my Mum died  ,so much so that I had to leave my beloved boys and move to the country to grieve and recuperate for 6 months.
 It was listening to Soul music ,especially Marvin Gaye ,that brought me " back to life " , listening to him sing ,empathizing with the sadness,lonliness and heartache in his songs ,especially the What's Going On album gave me hope that there was a better day ahead and slowly I felt my spirit returning - I still miss my Mum and Dad terribly but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Soul Music Saved My Life . I am going to have Wholy Holy played at my funeral.....that songs means more to me than any other ,if you don't know it its on the What's Going On album,listen to the way Marvin sings makes me cry .
 I didn't mean to write about this ,its just come out and I feel better for sharing it . It is incredibly painful and  personal for me to think about this but I feel safe here,amongst friends ....people who understand just how important music is to me and the huge part it plays in my life to this day . Not bad for a bloke who can't sing or play anything !
 I started out to write about new music every day so I hope you don't mind me going off message , and I meant to write about my great friends Melanie Williams and Eric Gooden ....but that will have to wait til tomorrow now
 Have A good Day ,do something kind for someone else your Mum or Dad ,or if like me you no longer have them ,take 5 minutes to remember them ,and thank them for all they did for you

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