Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Music,the Music Business and the Business of Music..........Part 1

Greetings disciples........
I've been spending a lot of time thinking about Music ...as usual....the Music Business ...and the Business of Music...and how they work...or don't...today....
First of all let's make it clear...it's the MUSIC Business....with no MUSIC there is no BUSINESS...but sadly I think that in the last decade something has got lost in translation and for many people it's become the Music BUSINESS....and that's why things are so fucked-up .
 I worked for major labels for over 20 years and LOVED every minute....I left when my boss and mentor Richard Griffiths got fired from BMG as I was burnt-out and very unhappy....I started a small label that went broke because of my arrogance and stupidity......it's easy to go on about all my success but I've made a Helluva  of mistakes too !
 So....as George Best was famously asked as he lay in bed with Miss World " Where did it all go wrong ? "
I cannot think of another business that has destroyed itself as spectacularly as the business I love...the MUSIC Business.....how can it be that ,to the majority of people , music has no value ? A quantity to be downloaded for free.....artists being forced to " give " their music away to try to make a living...how does that work ? ? ?
I would like to walk into Prada and take 3 suits,3 shirts and some ties for nothing...but sadly I have to pay for them......yet U2 " give " their album away to half a billion people for free...regardless of whether they want it or not...what message does that send out to the public ? I fucking hate Bono and U2 so much....and I hate them even more now for the damage they have done to new artists ..if one of the biggest bands on the planet " give " their music away how can any young band hope to get people to buy their music ?
The more I think the angrier I get...I LOVE music....TREASURE it....I buy loads every week....it's part of my LIFE...I could not live without it....yet it has no value ? ? ?
This is going to be a long series...a polemic about how the Music BUSINESS is killing the MUSIC Business.....
The patient is in a critical condition in intensive care............but The Soul Guru can make it get up off its bed and walk......trust me....I'm a GURU after all ;-)
If you can't fight .....wear a big hat
The Soul Guru LOVES you

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