Wednesday, 15 October 2014

10 most important things you need to be a GREAT A&R

So what do you need to be a GREAT A&R like me ?
1) GREAT taste...obvious but lacking nowadays at most labels
2) Commitment to your artists before the label...once trust between A&R and artist is broken it's all over....for both parties
3) Understanding of your artists....every artist I've ever worked with is insecure...some pretend they're not but believe me they are...their worst nightmare is failing
4) Passion....but not BLIND passion
5 ) A genuine love of.....MUSIC
6) An understanding of the audience
7 ) Realistic expectations
8 ) An ability to stay up late
9 ) A sense of humour
10 ) The  SECRET of A&R....if you want to know it then come to my A&R Lecture at University of Westminster tomorrow......

You can't succeed without knowing it.....

The Soul Guru


  1. Thank you Mick for your precious advices!
    I, as all the students I guess, really appreciated your Lecture yesterday at the Westminster University.
    Realistic, illuminating, inspiring.
    Hope to keep in touch!

  2. Agree with all 10 Mick especially 2 and 3
