Sunday, 12 December 2010

I'm Mad As Hell And I'm Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Excuse the delay in posting but over the past two weeks I've been re-assessing why I write and what I'd like to achieve.
 I set out in my own small way to try to bring good music to people's has been my profession for over 30 years ,from selling records and DJ-ing  in Brighton to signing some of the great British Soul and Dance acts to working in film ,management and A& R as I do  now.
 Quite simply ,from where I am ,the state of the mainstream muisc business has never been so awful - from Simon Cowell and his hideous pub-singer kareoke competitions to the endless mindless Urban records that seem to be everywhere.
What the FUCK happened to quality control ? Where are all the great new artists who actually have something today apart from I've got loads of money a big dick and all women are ho's ? What Goings On is my favourite album and the question I want answered .
 To qoute Peter Lawford in one of THE great movies Network  " I'm Mad As Hell And I'm Not Gonna Take It Any More "
 I set out to write about great new Music with Soul - not just Soul Music . I soon realized that there is only so much great music and rather than have the quality of the artist I write about suffer I'm now going to write this over the weekend and post on a Monday .
 I never write about major label stuff unless it is exceptional like Kanye West ,I buy everything I write about and thus I feel qualified to criticize stuff as and when necessary.
 I love music so much ,I enjoy a lot of new music ,I'm not stuck in a timewarp where everything from the turn of the century is crap.......I promise to bring some amazing new music to your attention
 Music Is SO important ,it is the only art form that makes us instantly recall old friends,lovers, good times and bad as soon as we hear a particular song. It makes us laugh ,cry ,dance and just feel emotions ,even if we would rather not sometimes.
 Who gives a fuck about a variety of talentless fuckwits being mentored by cretins like Louie Walsh  ? apparently millions ! Frankly I couldn't give a shit about all that
 The blog will look and sound much better thanks to a couple of people I'm working with on the style and it will be much more widely read.................quite right too
The Soul Guru Loves YOU X

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