Friends,fiends,believers,sceptics and " don't knows "........after spending 3 weeks in a SOUL retreat The Soul Guru is back with new music recommendations to soothe your troubled SOUL....forgive the extended break but The Soul Guru is busy working with his fellow iconoclast Alan McGee on our first artist Willow Robinson signed to our label Clark & McGee Ltd via Warner ADA......please go to his Facebook page and watch his cover of Jimi Hendrix's seminal " Little Wing "............ watch and share the FACEBOOK version.....thank you all
This blog is entitled Music For The SOUL...but as regular readers will know it's not a blog devoted entirely to SOUL music it's a blog about music that moves my SOUL.....this week's recommendations are an eclectic mix of rap,electronica and dance let's go :
First up is the MIGHTY Kendrick a distance the finest lyricist around at present in my opinion ....last year's " to Pimp A Butterfly " was an epic...and achieved huge worldwide recognition....suddenly on March 4th a new album appeared on Spotify ( if you're not on Spotify by now you really should be...I'm listening to The Roots now on Spotify )......untitled unmastered ...essentially it's a collection of unreleased demos from the To Pimp A Butterfly sessions but rather than being a collection of tracks that weren't good enough for the original album this album stands as a great body of work in it's own right......Kendrick's lyrics are of their usual stellar standard and the tracks incorporating SOUL,FUNK and AVANT GARDE JAZZ are's a great album that is rarely off my stereogram
Second up is Jessy Lanza who's 2013 album " Pull My Hair Back " on my favourite UK label.....Hyperdub....was one of my albums of that year ( I've got great taste as you know ;-) )
Her new album " Oh No " is out May 13th this year and being an old-fashioned kinda guy I've pre-ordered on i-tunes so have 2 tracks in advance....." Vv Violence " .... and " It Means I Love You " ....I LOVE them,Jessy Lanza is a one-off in today's market full of identikit female artists...I urge you to check her out
Third up....UNDERWORLD...whose new album " Barbara Barbara We Face A Shining Future " is already my favourite album of the year as it is ,quite simply,brilliant from start to finish....." Ova Nova " is the best track I've heard this year by anyone .....Underworld ,like their contemporaries LeftField ,Massive Attack and The Chemical Brothers ,soundtracked a golden era for many of us and the fact that in the last year they have all released exceptional albums proves that when it comes to music AGE AIN'T NUTHIN' BUT A NUMBER......I'm older than all of the guys in these bands by the way :-)
Thank you all for your support...I'll always wear it ;-)
The Soul Guru loves......YOU
This blog is entitled Music For The SOUL...but as regular readers will know it's not a blog devoted entirely to SOUL music it's a blog about music that moves my SOUL.....this week's recommendations are an eclectic mix of rap,electronica and dance let's go :
First up is the MIGHTY Kendrick a distance the finest lyricist around at present in my opinion ....last year's " to Pimp A Butterfly " was an epic...and achieved huge worldwide recognition....suddenly on March 4th a new album appeared on Spotify ( if you're not on Spotify by now you really should be...I'm listening to The Roots now on Spotify )......untitled unmastered ...essentially it's a collection of unreleased demos from the To Pimp A Butterfly sessions but rather than being a collection of tracks that weren't good enough for the original album this album stands as a great body of work in it's own right......Kendrick's lyrics are of their usual stellar standard and the tracks incorporating SOUL,FUNK and AVANT GARDE JAZZ are's a great album that is rarely off my stereogram
Second up is Jessy Lanza who's 2013 album " Pull My Hair Back " on my favourite UK label.....Hyperdub....was one of my albums of that year ( I've got great taste as you know ;-) )
Her new album " Oh No " is out May 13th this year and being an old-fashioned kinda guy I've pre-ordered on i-tunes so have 2 tracks in advance....." Vv Violence " .... and " It Means I Love You " ....I LOVE them,Jessy Lanza is a one-off in today's market full of identikit female artists...I urge you to check her out
Third up....UNDERWORLD...whose new album " Barbara Barbara We Face A Shining Future " is already my favourite album of the year as it is ,quite simply,brilliant from start to finish....." Ova Nova " is the best track I've heard this year by anyone .....Underworld ,like their contemporaries LeftField ,Massive Attack and The Chemical Brothers ,soundtracked a golden era for many of us and the fact that in the last year they have all released exceptional albums proves that when it comes to music AGE AIN'T NUTHIN' BUT A NUMBER......I'm older than all of the guys in these bands by the way :-)
Thank you all for your support...I'll always wear it ;-)
The Soul Guru loves......YOU